Best Real Estate on the Scandinavian market with the partner from Iceland Birgir Óli Einarsson!

The distant, beautiful Iceland and Croatia may be separated by more than 4,000 kilometers, but Birgir Óli Einarsson connects them. An entrepreneur who already has a well-developed business in the field of health tourism in Croatia, an economist who has been working in the public administrative sector of Iceland for the last two decades.

Birgir Óli Einarsson is an entrepreneur for whom integrity is the most important value in his business and private life. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he is the new partner of Best Real Estate who will promote our real estate offer in Iceland and Scandinavia.

For Birgir Óli Einarsson, Croatia is “like a hidden treasure”


This Icelander fell in love with Croatia in 2013, with its natural beauty and the warmth of its people. A few years later, he and his wife bought an apartment in the Zadar County and started what is now a very successful company that helps residents of Scandinavian countries find the best healthcare service in Croatia.

He is no stranger to the real estate sector – he worked as a sales representative in that area for years. Also, he loves working in an international environment, so it’s no surprise that he likes life on the Iceland-Croatia route.

“Croatia is like a hidden treasure that has so much to offer for tourists and guests visiting the country, beautiful coastline and national parks and a friendly and welcoming atmosphere wherever you go,” says Birgir Óli Einarsson.

He was attracted to Best Real Estate by the offer of luxury real estate, professionalism and transparency

Cooperation with Best Real Estate did not come quickly or by chance. Birgir Óli Einarsson made an effort to review in detail the offer of luxury real estate in Croatia as well as real estate agencies.

“I was impressed by the wide range of luxury properties on the entire coast and the high-quality business cooperation that you as a brand have established with your partners in order to provide clients with top-notch service,” the Icelander points out.

In addition to a large selection of luxury real estate (land, villas, apartments), a professional and dedicated approach, transparency in communication and presentation of the offer was an important factor in choosing Best Real Estate as a brand to work with.

Residents of Island and Skandinavia want warm weather and outdoor activities

The biggest advantage of Croatia for the inhabitants of the northern countries is certainly the warm and sunny weather combined with the beautiful landscape and nature. Clean sea, national parks – but also excellent health care are important factors in choosing Croatia as a destination.

“Croatia offers various types of outdoor sports as well as sailing to beautiful islands and cities. Scandinavian citizens, especially those approaching retirement age, want to live where they can enjoy a more favorable climate during the winter,” says Birgir Óli Einarsson.

In general, real estate investors strongly consider the healthcare system in the country in which they plan to invest. According to Birgir Óli Einarsson, Croatia has a lot of potential to develop in this direction.

Croatia’s advantage compared to other Mediterranean countries are still the lower prices for luxury real estate. Until now, the primary choice of Icelanders and residents of Scandinavia who want to settle in warmer regions has been Spain.

Cooperation through which Best Real Estate enters the Scandinavian market

The collaboration between Best Real Estate and Lúxus Fasteignir, the real estate company founded by Birgir Óli Einarssona, could change that. The goal is to acquaint potential buyers there with the offer of luxury real estate on the Croatian coast, real estate that is precisely in Best Real Estate’s offer.

“Through Lúxus Fasteignir, investors will be able to get information about certain real estate for sale and about specific domestic procedures and financial possibilities for buying real estate in Croatia.”

The transition of Croatia to the euro, which took place this year, in 2023, will really open many doors in the area of buying and selling and will make transactions much easier.

Finally, Birgir Óli Einarsson believes that now is a great opportunity to invest in luxury real estate in Croatia. This is supported by the fact that more and more people want to live a healthier lifestyle and are looking for those destinations where they can combine such a lifestyle with excellent and affordable health care, which is exactly what the core of Croatian health tourism is, an area well known to Birgir Óli Einarsson.

What else can we say but – we are looking forward to being present on the Scandinavian and Icelandic markets and showing all the beauties and advantages that life in Croatia has to offer.

If you are also interested in a better life in Croatia, take a look at our real estate offer and contact us with any questions!

Photo: Private archive Birgir Óli Einarssonm, Pexels.

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