We Presented the Croatian Luxury Real Estate Market to the European Audience through the Embrace Croatia Series!

croatia luxury villa

We presented how the real estate market and purchase of luxury properties work in the country of clear sea and abundance of sun in the show Embrace Croatia: Sea, Sun & Hedonism.

Croatia is an amazing place to live in, and an excellent choice when buying a luxury property, especially one by the sea. But how much do the foreign buyers know about that? How does the process of finding and buying a property in Croatia work when you’re a foreign buyer?

embrace croatia shooting

We discussed all of this, among other things, with Katja Usenik, the host of Embrace Croatia: Sea, Sun & Hedonism documentary series, under the watchful eye of cinematographer Sven Čustović.

Davor Perišić, the founder of Best Real Estate, spoke about the abundance of luxurious properties on the coast, gave some tips on finding the right one, and detailed the process of buying or selling such a property in Croatia. The sense of safety, transparency, and the personal approach are all highly relevant to foreign buyers, and those are values that Best Real Estate’s brand is based on.

We offer not only luxurious properties, but the all-encompassing lifestyle – a new life in a new property, and we are at our clients’ service even after the process of buying has finished.

These are the reasons why Embrace Croatia recognized us as the right brand to have this conversation with, and we are extremely proud of that.

best real estate croatia

The shooting took place in Zadar County. We took the crew on a tour of two luxurious villas from Best Real Estate’s abundant offer to bring the luxury available on the Croatian coast closer to the viewers around Europe.

Embrace Croatia is creating inspiring stories in the video format based in our beautiful country. Their goal is to paint the picture of all the potential and beauty this area has for the foreign audience and motivate the viewers to explore Croatia.

Sea, Sun & Hedonism, the documentary series which we partook in, will be broadcast on national televisions in Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, the UK, and of course, Croatia.

After the broadcast, the series will be available on Embrace Croatia’s Vimeo and YouTube channels. The episode’s link will be available on Best Real Estate’s official website and we will certainly notify you about it!

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